Marketing Musings
Check in to read my email & relationship marketing marketing musings!The 5Cs of Marketing Success
Marketing is always evolving, so you need to keep tweaking and updating strategies. There are tons of marketing tactics out there, but if you stick to the 5Cs as your base, you're more likely to succeed even when the next shiny toy comes along to distract you from...
Power of Reflection
Reflection can be an amazing contributor to your personal development, creativity, motivation and innovation!
Creating your Customer Persona
Creating your Customer Persona is all about identifying your ideal customer. Some businesses will have one, others may have 3 or 4. Your customer persona is specific kind of segmentation that can be useful in bringing your target audience to life, helping to target messaging and offers. Follow this 5 step process to create your persona.
The number one rule in marketing
The number one rule in marketing (IMHO) has to be to put yourself in your customers shoes. Fail to do this and your marketing will not work. Do it well and you can get the product, price, message and content correct.
BED Model for developing a strong product!
I find that a lot of marketing models can feel unnecessarily complex and so I wanted an easy to remember model to help you develop a product that stands out in the market. Here's what I came up with...the Joseph BED model. B is for Basic. That is the basic product...
The foundations of a good email marketing programme
A social butterfly, with a creative Mum and a technically minded Dad, it's the combination of creativity and technology, together with the human element that I love about email marketing. I have a computer science degree, but I didn't want to work as a programmer (I...
September 2023 Marketing Ideas
Here are a few marketing ideas kick start the autumn!
Summer Marketing Ideas
Here are a few marketing ideas for Summer 2023 to inspire you!
April 2023 – Marketing Ideas & Tips
Marketing Ideas for April Here are a few marketing ideas for April to inspire you! 1st - April Fools DayBusinesses of all sizes have used this day as an opportunity to raise their profile. A favourite April Fools' hoax was when Taco Bell placed ads in major...
The 8th P in the Marketing Mix – Participation
If you have ever studied any kind of marketing theory, then you are almost definitely familiar with the seven P’s of marketing and how together they make up the marketing mix. I strongly believe that, for the modern marketer, there is an eighth P, and that is Participation. 21st century participation in marketing is driven by 3 marketing trends where it is key: social media, experiential marketing and social proof.
The elements of an advert
There are some key elements included in every advert and when they are done properly they work well together….
March 2023 Marketing Ideas
Marketing Ideas for March Here are a few marketing ideas for March to inspire you. 1st – Peanut Butter Lovers Day!Great fun to share favourite recipes and smoothies (unless you have an allergy of course – also remember to post responsibly!) 1st – Pancake DayA...
The Marketing Players
In marketing, we often dive right into the fun creative stuff. However, there are a few fundamentals that it is important to get clarity on first - and at the centre is the question, ’Who?’ Let's discuss the players in the marketing game! "Who" might refer to your...
February 2023 Marketing Ideas
Marketing Ideas for February Here are a few February marketing ideas for next month to inspire you (aside from the obvious Valentine's Day of course!). 2nd - Groundhog Day 2nd - Harry Potter Book NightAn annual event celebrating the magical world of Hogwarts...
December Marketing Ideas
Marketing Ideas for December Here are a few marketing ideas for next month to inspire you! 4th - Small Business SaturdayRegister on their portal to celebrate your small biz before, during and after Small Biz Sat. Shout out to small businesses you know and...
November Marketing Ideas
Marketing Ideas for November Here are a few winter marketing ideas for next month to inspire you! MovemberAnyone in the office willing to grow a Moustache? Chart their progress with pics you share with followers or hold an event to ‘shave it off’ and raise...
October Marketing Ideas
Marketing Ideas for October Check out some spooky (but mostly un-spooky) marketing ideas for this October. Whole month campaigns:StoptoberBreast Cancer Awareness Month National Dessert MonthNeed I say more! 1st - International Coffee DayGreat chance to shout...
September Marketing Ideas
Marketing Ideas for September Here are a few marketing ideas kick start the autumn! School starts Back to school promotions are great (and everywhere). Back to school-related offers are obviously going to be in your marketing mix if you target kids. But look at...