Marketing Musings

Check in to read my email & relationship marketing marketing musings!

Prince @3rdeyegirl – how to create hype

For anyone who is a big Prince fan the last week has probably been spent watching social media like a hawk!  As a prince fan as well as someone with a professional interest in social media I have been watching the drama unfold with interest. He has also managed to...

Pinterest launches animated GIFs

Pinterest recently announced that it is going to allow users to post animated GIFs.  Animated GIFs are a bit like mini videos (which Instagram already allow). They are typically made from a number of related photos stitched together or may be adapted from a video...

Ten 10 minute marketing ideas

  The average person works over 200 days a year - if you spent 10 minutes every day doing something to promote your business that could have a big impact...but what can you do in 10 minutes that is productive? It may be that you need to think about some marketing...

Reminder – free images for Facebook advertisers

Happy New Year to you all! I have some exciting announcements coming up this month as I launch a new Marketing Mentor for Mumpreneurs, mmm watch this space! In the meantime, some useful reminders coming up. For those who missed this announcement last year or who have...

How people read emails…

When you design an email, it is a good idea to think about how people read their inbox.  Whether it is over their morning cuppa or on their phone waiting at the bus stop, most people follow a similar process. It is how you appeal to them at each stage of that process...

Next email example re gmail

I love this email example from Next Directory which is helping recipients make sure they get Next mails into their Primary Gmail inboxes. Key features that make it a good email include: - subject line is to the point "Information regarding your Gmail preferences.." -...

Why you should proof read…

Sometimes an image is worth a thousand words....if you are wondering why you should proof read your ads - look at the picture! It's easy to scan read and see what we know we have written but sometimes going away and coming back or just asking someone you trust and...

Linked In announce Showcase pages

A quick piece of news for you.....LinkedIn’s announced it's new Showcase Pages this week. These are dedicated pages that allow companies to highlight different aspects of their business. So if you have different products or product sets you can create a new page for...

Back to Marketing Basics

Sometimes it is good to refocus ourselves and go back to marketing basics. We live in a society that suffers from information overload especially for people looking online. The opportunities for online promotion are truly vast and if we so choose we could all spend...

Right Brain Left Brain Test

A while ago I did a couple of posts on left brain vs right brain and I thought I would follow up with a post about finding out who you are and how it affects your thought processes. I recently did an interesting brain test (link removed as no longer active) based on...

Give me a high five!

My 2 year old daughter gets very excited when doing a jigsaw! Today after every piece she put in she asked for a high five which was adorable.  It got me thinking about how we treat ourselves and whether we take a moment to reflect on the things we achieve. How many...

Our sense of self…

"A man’s sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results”  “A woman's sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her relationships” Do you know where that quote comes from?  It reminds me of the relationship between customers and...

A lesson in marketing from a pineapple corer…

One of my favourite kitchen implements is my pineapple corer, I love it and use it every week.  Why? Because it makes it so easy to make pineapple rings and my life is easier.  It also works best with large pineapples rather than the smaller ones. The result of this...

Are you a Dog or a Cat person?

Apparently, right brain dominant people are more likely to be cat lovers as well as absent minded and good a sports.   Left brain dominant people are likely to be dog lovers, organised and music critics! When it comes to print marketing, ads created by (and which...

Quick Tips! Right Brain v Left Brain

If you've never heard of it, this theory is about the dominant side of the brain and how it controls our behaviour and way of thinking. A person who is "left-brained" tends be more logical, often coming across as being very analytical and objective.  A person who is...

Kickin’ off the New Style blog!

So I'm shifting my blog to my site from a separate WordPress one  (all good for SEO). After some thought I've decided my blog will not look exactly the same as the website but instead will complement it and be consistently branded of course.  For any one setting up a...

Get Creative!

All too often I hear people tell me that they don’t have anything to put on their Facebook page or blog. Well, it’s time to get creative. I love what My Nametags do with their Facebook page. This is a company that make Nametags for children’s clothes primarily and yet...