Hot Drink

Work over a nice cuppa!


The average person works over 200 days a year – if you spent 10 minutes every day doing something to promote your business that could have a big impact…but what can you do in 10 minutes that is productive?

It may be that you need to think about some marketing basics and refocus. Or maybe you need to do something more practical. Remember at the end of it to think about what you’ve achieved.

These are great if you work from home and have other responsibilities you juggle too. Here are some ideas to get you started…let me know your own favourite tips @VMarketeer or via Facebook

  1. Work out who your ideal client is and how you can reach them. This helps focus the mind so you are focusing your efforts in the right place.
  2. What’s your elevator pitch?  This is where you tell someone what you do and why you are special – in no more than 30 seconds. Focus on your unique selling proposition (USP), write it down and ensure you have several ways that you can articulate it to potential clients – then practise it! This will be useful for networking events but also when you happen to meet someone who may be interested in what you do.
  3. Make a To Do list – sometimes the first step to doing things is knowing what you need to do! Spending 10 minutes making a list of things you can do, ready to be ticked off as you go along can be a great use of time!
  4. Do the next item your To Do list!  Yes it’s an obvious next step but sometimes just looking at the top one and starting it rather than looking down the list and thinking about what you want to do is the most productive option!
  5. Get started on some blog updates. A couple of ways to do this are to make a list of possible topics with a couple of notes so you can pad them out when you have more time, or you could revisit some old posts and update them with links to more recent posts. Maybe you could add some padding to a non time sensitive update you started.
  6. Update at least one of your social profiles. A focused update such as a current offer that you want to promote can work wonders. Or maybe look at something more topical, such as an image related to a holiday season or other big event!
  7. Look at who you can write a guest blog post for and get in touch. Choose complimentary blogs – most of them will be after more content and happily  accept a quality guest post. This can lead to increased traffic as well as inbound links which have a positive effect on your search engine optimisation.
  8. Talk to someone. In this age of social media we often forget it’s good to talk! Maybe a quick call to one of the target clients you have identified. If you don’t get through, add the name and number to your To Do list for next time!
  9. Work out a great deal you can offer through a site such a Groupon. Don’t sell anything at less than cost, but utilising a company such as Groupon can help you reach lots of people quickly and effectively. Not all of them will stick around but if you offer a good service, many will.
  10. Make a list of media outlets  – e.g. local newspapers, radio stations or blogs – that you could approach about an article or interview. Maybe next time you have 10 minutes you can include contact details and the time after you can get in touch!

If you want someone to help you focus more, please don’t forget about my marketing mentor services!

Now, I must find that To Do list! Good Luck


Original Image Author: Webdesignhot