Quick Tips! Know where you’re going

I love this quote from Alice in Wonderland and it makes sense for your marketing as well. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there! The first step in your marketing plan must be clarifying what you want to achieve, setting your...

Subject Line Testing

I recently had an interesting conversation with someone about Subject line testing… “Where do I start?” he asked.   I thought I would share the why? how? and what? that we discussed..   Why? You have just a few seconds to generate interest...

New Whitepaper – 10 Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is a highly effective marketing element that is often skipped by businesses, especially small businesses. There are a number of reason why it gets overlooked – often focused around how to do it, fear of spamming and lack of ideas. But a good email...

First Glance – Relationship Marketing Stage 1

You know that feeling, when you first glance that hottie across a room and see them a few days later? The butterflies, thinking I want to know more about them? The first stage of your customers journey is similar (except maybe without the butterflies). True awareness...