Mobile Friendly Emails

% Emails opened on a mobile Yes, on average, 68% of emails were opened on a mobile device during 2015 according to a Movable Ink analysis of 6 billion emails sent that year. 55% emails sent this year have been opened on a mobile device, according to email testing...

Festive emails

Not long now... Christmas isn’t that far away for marketers so I thought I would share a couple of ideas to add some fizz to your festive emails (or indeed any!) Compelling offers Give them an offer (or 3) that they cannot refuse. Money off isn’t always...

8 easy options for segmenting your data

Are you like the many clients I deal with who are small to medium businesses who have woken up to the fact they need to move beyond blast newsletters in their email marketing, but are not sure quite where to go next? Does all the talk about automation, big data and...

The Content Cocktail

  About this time last year I did a post called Social Soup which someone reminded me of recently and asked if I had any more recipes. Behold the Content Cocktail! Content is core to email marketing as well as other channels because you need to have something to...