Client Communication

Relationship marketing is about building a relationship with customers through multiple channels. We typically think of these as an email programme, social media, print and targeted online ads. Most people forget about the original communication method – your...

Let’s get topical…10 examples of topical marketing

Marketers will often tell you about making posts topical to something happening so I thought I would round up 10 examples of how to get topical with your marketing One good way is to look at National / Global events….. 1. The birth of Prince George  was highly...

Prince @3rdeyegirl – how to create hype

For anyone who is a big Prince fan the last week has probably been spent watching social media like a hawk!  As a prince fan as well as someone with a professional interest in social media I have been watching the drama unfold with interest. He has also managed to...

Pinterest launches animated GIFs

Pinterest recently announced that it is going to allow users to post animated GIFs.  Animated GIFs are a bit like mini videos (which Instagram already allow). They are typically made from a number of related photos stitched together or may be adapted from a video...

Ten 10 minute marketing ideas

  The average person works over 200 days a year – if you spent 10 minutes every day doing something to promote your business that could have a big impact…but what can you do in 10 minutes that is productive? It may be that you need to think about some...